Friday, November 7, 2008

Experiment 03 - All final UT3 files (Map, Package and Demo)

Above is a link to download our groups final zip folder containing all the required and necessary files for this experiment. It contains the cooked/published map, all packages and demo file. The demo file approximately two minutes long.

Editor files

Above is a link to download our groups final zip folder containing the uncooked UT3 map editor file and packages.

Metal material used for entire building - image downloaded from
Accessed: October 1, 2008.

Experiment 03 - Final 3 x Screen captures

Above are three screenshots of the final model/map. As aforementioned, the map is split into four different paths. Green for nature. Blue for ice and water. Red for heat, steam and fire. Yellow for the man made environment (electricity, waste, etc).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Experiment 03 - Individual Statement

My area of specialisation in the experiment was particles. In the draft demo file I simply had fire/smoke/sparks as a single particle system but in the different colours of red, blue, green and yellow. The idea for the entire map was to create a game based on snakes and ladders, challenging players to travel through the building, overcome obstacles, discover shortcuts and ultimately reach the top. The entire building itself was to split into four parts. Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. The paths/environments for each were inspired by their colour, creating four different environments in one but inevitably leading to the top.

The environment for the red colour is meant to be a sort of hot steelworks factory with pipes everywhere and hot warning signs. My contribution to this environment was to place steam around the pipes in order to suggest the pipes were "steaming hot". Additionally, simple fire/smoke/sparks was placed around the reds paths. The blue environment was created to be like an ice cave augmented with running water for the paths. For particle effects in this environment, I created some light white/blue snow around the environment in addition to some moving wind effects to suggest the place was cold. The green environment was inspired by nature with grass, trees and plants everywhere along the paths. Similarly to the creation of snow for the blue environment, I created this "green pixie" particle effect which alludes to some sort of forest fantasy theme. I got this idea from having played a game on Nintendo 64 called "The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" specifically used in the Kokiri Forest. Finally, the yellow environment was meant to represent humanity, industry and electricity. Basically, all that is man made and contrasted to the natural environment of the green. I simply created sparks for the various hanging wires around the environment.

Experiment 03 - Draft UT3 map and packages

Above is a link to the the draft UT3 editor map and packages.

Experiment 03 - 3x Screenshots - Particles

Using my 50% model of 363 george street, we decided to split the game into four different paths that eventually overlap and connect in order to get to the top. As there are four different paths, we used the colours of red, blue, green and yellow to highlight this difference. Each path will be experientially different and relative to the colour. In the screenshots and demo file of our draft model, it shows simple fire with smoke and sparks in different colours located at the entrance to each colours beginning path. I acknowledge the particles here are fairly weak, partially because it is the draft, but the final model shows a greater advancement.

Experiment 03 - Draft Demo file - Particles

Chivonda's Matinee Demo: Player-2008_11_07-11_57_50.demo

Rachel's Kismet Demo is called: Player-2008_11_07-11_51_53.demo

Jeff's Particle Demo : Player-2008_11_07-11_39_54.demo

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Experiment 03: Week 02 - Independent Study

Below are three image captures of my experimentation so far. I've basically built a mirrored space to make it easier to compare the two different flame effects. The only real difference is that in the new space, the flame has bursts. I still have about 3 more tutorials on particles to watch and progress at the moment is a bit slow. I got conjunctivitis on Saturday 11/10/08 which has contributed to this.

In terms of making the draft for the experimental video, I currently have a problem with recording footage from UT3. Below is a screenshot of my problem. It seems to record all the windows in UT3 rather than focus on the in-game window. I'm sure its easy to fix. Just dont know how at the moment. 'll try to fix it in Thursdays tutorial.


I'm currently in tutorial class (Thursday 16 October, 2008) and have properly recorded footage of my experimentation and progress so far in UT3. I have also quickly done a draft experimentation video. It was done quickly so it's not the best. I already have some ideas for the Snakes and ladder style game our group intends to pursue. For the sake of keeping our assignment unique, I can discuss this in person to those interested. Till then. Back to work.