Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week 1 - Machinima

1. Battlefield 1942


The above two videos contain footage taken from two FPS(First-person shooter) games published by Electronic Arts with a 5 year gap between their release dates. The first video shows footage taken from the game"Battlefield 1942" (2002). The player's idea here is to detonate explosives upon various common vehicles used in the World War II and witness how far and wacky they jump into the air after being exploded.

In the second video, we see a similar concept being explored in the game "Crysis" (2007). The quality of gameplay and graphics of this game far exceed those experienced in Battlefield 1942, highlighting the growth and improvement in gaming technologies over the years. From watching the video, the explosions and effects generated in Crysis produce a much more dramatic, life-like, powerful and highly entertaining. The vehicles and objects exploded by the player were just obliterated and thrown violently into the oblivion. Much more so than in Battlefield 1942.

I believe both these videos are interesting because they highlight the advancement in gaming technologies and the impact it has on the quality and experience of the game. Blowing up stuff and making them jump into the air is a fun and interesting concept and games like Crysis have improved upon this gaming experience. In relation to the course, watching machinima like these generate ideas such as obliteration, havoc and physics which open opportunities for innovation and creativity.

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